
  mayor feng,governor cheng,secretary li,ni men hao.thank you for the key to your city and for this magnificent welcome.here in this ancient capital,china seems very young to me tonight, ……(快文網(wǎng)http://hoachina.com省略333字,正式會(huì)員可完整閱讀)…… 
  clinton's farewel…
  i look forward to seeing the terracotta warriors(兵馬俑),the old city walls,the muslim quarter. i look forward to learning more about china's great contributions to the store of human
  knowledge from medicine and printing,to mathematics and astronomy.discoveries on which so much of the whole world progress is based.and i want to see more of the new nation you are building on a scale even the emperors could not have foreseen.
  china that gave us printing,now boastss fax machines,computers and cell phones.xi'an is home to film makers,internet explorers,business people of every description.here in this city,
  famous for calligraphy,a new chapter in ch ……(未完,全文共3594字,當(dāng)前只顯示865字,請(qǐng)閱讀下面提示信息。收藏克林頓總統(tǒng)1998年在西安的演講
