
  2.let me congratulate you on your success.恭喜你成功了。
  3.it is my great privilege to say a word of congratulation to mr. smith on the occasion of~.在~的時候,我很榮幸向史密斯先生表示道賀。
  4.it is my great pleasure to say a word of hearty congratulation to mr. smith on the occasion of~.在~的時候,我 ……(快文網(wǎng)http://hoachina.com省略511字,正式會員可完整閱讀)…… 
  奧運(yùn)英語演講稿:綠色北京 綠色奧運(yùn) 你我同行
  英語演講稿 my definition of success
ppy we are to see you again.謹(jǐn)代表今晚來此的每一個人,表達(dá)我們又再見到您的歡喜的心情。
  9.we are all thrilled that won in such a famous contest.在這么有名的比賽中你贏了,我們都很興奮。
  10.thanks also goes to mr. smith who has spent many long hours working with us.也要謝謝史密斯先生,他與我們工作了一段很長的時間。
  11.we are here today to pay our respects to mr. smith, winner of the taiwan golf tournament.史密斯是臺灣高爾夫球賽的獲勝者,今天我們在這里向他表示我們的敬意。
  12.i am truly happy to speak for all of us in congratulating mr. smith, the winner of the contest.我真的很高興為我們大家向比賽的勝利者史密斯先生表示道賀。
  13.it is a great pleasure to gather here today to pay honor to our debating team which won in the all-taiwan debating contest.今天很榮幸能夠聚在這里,向我們的辯論隊(duì)致敬,他們贏得全臺辯論比賽。
  14.on behalf of the judges, i want to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt congratulations to your team members on your stunning victory in the debating contest.謹(jǐn)代表所有評審,用這個機(jī)會,向你們的隊(duì)員在辯論賽中贏得漂亮的勝利表示由衷的祝賀。
  15.unfortunately, due to pressure of business, her husband has been unable to come to taiwan this time, but i understand he hopes to pay a ……(未完,全文共2208字,當(dāng)前只顯示1329字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏英語演講實(shí)用語句-慶祝會

