
  - the most important point to make is...
  - my first point is...
  - another aspect to bear in mind is...
  - it must also be remembered that...
  - we mustn't forget that...
  - also, don't forget that/remember that…
  - now for something c ……(快文網(wǎng)http://hoachina.com省略441字,正式會員可完整閱讀)…… 
case that wasn't clear, i will rephrase it
  - don't misunderstand me, what i mean is...
  - i will just repeat that to make it clear.
  - it's important not to confuse/to make a distinction between/to distinguish between...
  - this is not to say that...
  - that's all i want to say about this point...
  - this concludes what i want to say about...
  - ...which concludes what i want to say about...
  - that wraps up that point...
  - that covers that area
  - so it can be seen that...
  - so we can see that...
  - so i've shown that...
  - in conclusion then,...
  - to conclude this point then, ...
  - there's nothing left to say on this point, i think, so...
  - i think that's covered that one, so...
  - that, then, was...
  - broadly/generally speaking...
  - with a few exceptions/without exception.
  - in general/by and larg ……(未完,全文共4757字,當前只顯示1145字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏成功英語演講的秘訣-主體內(nèi)容

