
  when the singapore team successfully climbed mount everest(中國稱珠穆朗瑪峰)) in 1998, i cheered. i spoke to khoo swee chiow and his team-mates later.
  they told me that they climbed up in stages, from base camp(探險隊等的營地) to camps 1, 2, 3 and 4, before they made their assault for the summit. the climb became more difficult and dangerous the higher they went. the air became thinner and the slope steeper. you had to be disciplined, determined, and well prepared. and you had to have luck on your side. there could be avalanches and rock fails, or the weather could change suddenly. swee chiow told me that the most impor ……(快文網http://hoachina.com省略1051字,正式會員可完整閱讀)…… 
poreans have asked: "do we need to be number one in everything?" we will need great mental strength to continue pushing ourselves to excel. if we do not do so, others now behind us will push us off the track.
  tonight, i want to focus on this next stage of our economic climb.
  the current downturn
  but first, let me touch on the current economic downturn.
  when i met the media earlier this week, they told me that singaporeans would expect me to speak in detail on the slowdown, and offer solutions.
  i explained why i did not intend to do so. we have already discussed on many occasions our short-term problems. i want to deal with the long-term challenges. of greater concern to me are the fundamental shifts in the global economic environment, and the fact that many of the jobs which are lost during this slowdown, might never return after recovery. we need a new strategy to respond to these developments.
  moreover, during the 1997 asian financial crisis, we had put in place a major package of rebates and cost-cutting measures. parts of this are still in effect, including the cp17 cut. then, in this year's budget, richard hu cut corporate and personal taxes, and gave rebates on s&c charges, rentals and utility bills. recently, george yeo announced another package to deal with the current economic slowdown.
  let me assure you that if the slowdown drags on, we have the means and ability to do more to help you. and we will help you. my ministers and i are watching the economy very closely. we are working out possible additional measures, just in case the economy continues to worsen and we need to administer a second package.
  our current problem is the consequence of being a small, open economy, highly dependent on external trade and foreign investment. when the us and other major economies were growing, we caught the strong winds and surged ahead. now that the winds have died, our growth has slowed to almost a standstill. we do not have a large domestic market to go against changes in the wind in the external environment. we just have to cope with them. ……(未完,全文共60542字,當前只顯示2733字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏新加坡總理吳作棟理國慶群眾大會演講
